As a homeowner, you’re responsible for taking care of your property. Regular maintenance prevents deterioration, damage, and costly repairs—and keeps your property looking its best and brightest.
When it comes to maintaining your driveway, leave it to C&D Driveway Paving & Sealing! From minor cracks to big potholes, we offer cost-effective paving and sealing services for all types of driveways. Our crew will come to your house, examine your driveway, and recommend the wisest course of action. From there we’ll repair the cracks and holes, apply patches, and then sealer, which protects and prolongs the life of your driveway. You can look forward to a clean, crisp blacktop, and a property you can be proud of!
Our residential services include:
- Paving
- Resurfacing
- Sealcoating
- Driveway Widening
- Asphalt Repairs
- Degreasing Oil Spots
- Drain Installation
- Snow Removal
Contact us today to set up a free estimate! Call 610-828-8122 or fill out our customer form.